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Generalized Effects of a Peer-Delivered First Aid Program for Students with Moderate IntellectualDisabilities
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
  • N. E. Marchand-Martella
  • R. C. Martella
  • M. Agran
  • Charles L. Salzberg, Utah State University
  • K. R. Young
  • D. P. Morgan
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Peers with mild intellectual disabilities taught first aid skills to 4 students with moderate intellectual disabilities. A multiple probe design across participants was used to examine the effects of the peer teaching program during an acquisition and a partial sequential withdrawal phase. Generalization assessments were conducted in the participants' homes using novel, randomized simulated injuries. Results suggested that the peer teaching program resulted in acquisition of first aid skills, and the participants' skills generalized to the home, to novel simulated-injury locations, and to new trainers. Additionally, a more detailed analysis of the generalized responding suggested that when given a choice among first aid materials, participants treated burns using large adhesive bandages rather than the materials used in training. Participants also successfully treated injuries when novel instructional cues were used. The findings are discussed with respect to training issues, generalization and maintenance of the acquired skills, and the use of peer tutors with disabilities.

Citation Information
Marchand-Martella, N. E., Martella, R. C., Agran, M., Salzberg, C. L., Young, K. R., & Morgan, D. P. (1992). Generalized effects of a peer-delivered first aid program for students with moderate intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 25, 841-851.