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About Charles Romesburg

My education: I received my Ph.D. in Operations Research, minor in biostatistics (University of Pittsburgh), my M.S. in Nuclear Engineering (University of Arizona), and my B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (Lafayette College). In Google Scholar: My lifetime citation count is 3,123. Practically all are articles or books for which I am the sole author, not coauthored items, and so the numbers do not have to be fractionalized to get my share. For 2009 through 2014, my citation count is 1,004. For the five-year period of 2010 through 2015, my academic websites averaged more than 120,000 page views per year.


Present Emeritus Faculty Member, Utah State University Environment and Society

Curriculum Vitae

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Honors and Awards

  • 1991 - Special Section, titled ATen Years After >Reliable Knowledge=: Are We Gaining?@, of eight invited articles, published in Journal of Wildlife Management, 55(4):757-799.
  • 1992 - Workshop on "Reliable Knowledge," 57th North America Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference
  • 1982 - The Wildlife Society Wildlife Publication Award
  • 1982 - Teacher of the Year, College of Natural Resources, Utah State University
  • IAESTE award for engineering training in Sweden


Contact Information

Department of Environment and Society
College of Natural Resources
Utah State University
5215 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322-5215
NR 316
(435) 797-2418
(435) 797-4048


Reports (8)

Book Reviews (6)

Syllabi (1)