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CLUSTAR-PC: Interactive Program for Hierarchical Cluster Analysis
The American Statistician
  • H. Charles Romesburg, Utah State University
Document Type
American Statistical Association
Publication Date

CLUSTAR-PC performs hierarchical cluster analysis and provides for (a) 6 methods of data standardization, (b) 14 commonly used (dis)similarity coefficients for binary or multistate data, (c) 9 coefficients for interval/ratio scaled data, and (d) 4 clustering methods-single linkage, complete linkage, average linkage, and minimum variance (Ward's method). It also allows for data matrices with attributes measured on a mixture of binary and interval/ ratio scales. Dendrograms are produced, and the program will label the branches according to names the user specifics.


The American Statistician is published by the American Statistical Association. Publisher's PDF and article fulltext available through remote link via JSTOR


Citation Information
H.C. Romesburg. 1987. CLUSTAR-PC. Interactive Program for Hierarchical Cluster Analysis. American Statistician, 41(1):79.