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Scoria Cone Formation through a Violent Strombolian Eruption: Irao Volcano, SW Japan
Bulletin of Volcanology
  • Koji Kiyosugi, University of Tokyo
  • Yoshiyuki Horikawa, Yamaguchi University
  • Takashi Nagao, Yamaguchi University
  • Tetsumaru Itaya, Okayama University of Science
  • Charles B. Connor, University of South Florida
  • Kazuhiro Tanaka, Yamaguchi University
Document Type
Publication Date
  • monogenetic volcano,
  • violent strombolian,
  • volcano formation,
  • Scoria cone collapse,
  • volcanic hazard,
  • K–Ar dating
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Scoria cones are common volcanic features and are thought to most commonly develop through the deposition of ballistics produced by gentle Strombolian eruptions and the outward sliding of talus. However, some historic scoria cones have been observed to form with phases of more energetic violent Strombolian eruptions (e.g., the 1943–1952 eruption of Parícutin, central Mexico; the 1975 eruption of Tolbachik, Kamchatka), maintaining volcanic plumes several kilometers in height, sometimes simultaneous with active effusive lava flows. Geologic evidence shows that violent Strombolian eruptions during cone formation may be more common than is generally perceived, and therefore it is important to obtain additional insights about such eruptions to better assess volcanic hazards. We studied Irao Volcano, the largest basaltic monogenetic volcano in the Abu Monogenetic Volcano Group, SW Japan. The geologic features of this volcano are consistent with a violent Strombolian eruption, including voluminous ash and fine lapilli beds (on order of 10−1 km3 DRE) with simultaneous scoria cone formation and lava effusion from the base of the cone. The characteristics of the volcanic products suggest that the rate of magma ascent decreased gradually throughout the eruption and that less explosive Strombolian eruptions increased in frequency during the later stages of activity. During the eruption sequence, the chemical composition of the magma became more differentiated. A new K–Ar age determination for phlogopite crystallized within basalt dates the formation of Irao Volcano at 0.4 ± 0.05 Ma.

Citation / Publisher Attribution

Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 76, art. 781

Citation Information
Koji Kiyosugi, Yoshiyuki Horikawa, Takashi Nagao, Tetsumaru Itaya, et al.. "Scoria Cone Formation through a Violent Strombolian Eruption: Irao Volcano, SW Japan" Bulletin of Volcanology Vol. 76 (2013)
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