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Symposium on in Vitro Studies of the Immune Response. III. Biochemical Agents Affecting the Inductive Phase of the Secondary Antibody Response Initiated in Vitro
Bacteriological Reviews (1966)
  • Charles T. Ambrose, Harvard Medical School
  • Biochemical agents,
  • Secondary antibody response,
  • in vitro
Publication Date
June, 1966
Publisher Statement
Copyright © American Society for Microbiology, Bacteriological Reviews, 30:408-417, 1966.

ASM grants the author the right to post his/her article (after publication by ASM) on the author’s personal or university-hosted website, but not on any corporate, government, or similar website, without ASM’s prior permission, provided that proper credit is given to the original ASM publication.

The current title of the journal is Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews.
Citation Information
Charles T. Ambrose. "Symposium on in Vitro Studies of the Immune Response. III. Biochemical Agents Affecting the Inductive Phase of the Secondary Antibody Response Initiated in Vitro" Bacteriological Reviews Vol. 30 Iss. 2 (1966) p. 408 - 417
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