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Nixon, the Supreme Court, and the Politics of Electoral Realignment
Reviews in American History
  • Charles L Zelden, Nova Southeastern University
Publication Date


For a president, appointing a Supreme Court justice can be a transcendent act—a defining moment that, almost more than any other single decision he will make while in office, establishes his presidency’s legacy. Presidents, after all, only have a limited time in office during which they can devise their social, economic, and political vision and try to shape the future; by contrast, the Justices they appoint to the Supreme Court can and do shape that future for a generation through their judicial votes and opinions.

Citation Information
Charles L Zelden. "Nixon, the Supreme Court, and the Politics of Electoral Realignment" Reviews in American History Vol. 40 Iss. 4 (2012) p. 705 - 710 ISSN: 0048-7511
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