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Late Paleozoic Rugose Corals, Glass Mountains, Texas
Journal of Palentology (1963)
  • Charles A. Ross, Western Washington University
  • June R. P. Ross, Western Washington University
Many of the rarer species of solitary and colonial rugose corals from the upper part of the Gaptank Formation, Glass Mountains, are of particular interest because of their general similarity in part with the late Pennsylvanian and early Permian(?) coral faunas in the Rocky Mountain region of Canada and in part with those in the Midcontinent region of the United States. New species described from the Uddenites-bearing shale member of the Gaptank Formation include Amplexizaphrentis sp. B, Amplexizaphrentis? sp. C, Dibunophyllum uddeni and Amplexocarinia sp. B; from the upper part of the Gaptank Formation, Amplexocarinia delicata, Amplexizaphrentis sp. A and Lithostrotionella? sp.; and from loose material that may possibly include Permian (Wolfcampian) specimens, Amplexizaphrentis sp. A, Amplexizaphrentis sp. B, Dibunophyllum sp., Heritschioides sp. and Amplexocarinia sp. B.
  • Rugose corals
Publication Date
March, 1963
Publisher Statement
Published by: SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology
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Citation Information
Charles A. Ross and June R. P. Ross. "Late Paleozoic Rugose Corals, Glass Mountains, Texas" Journal of Palentology Vol. 37 Iss. 2 (1963) p. 409 - 420
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