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The Genera and Species of Comatulidae (Comatulida: Crinoidea): Taxonomic Revisions and a Molecular and Morphological Guide
  • Mindi M. Summers, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
  • Charles Messing, Nova Southeastern University
  • Greg W. Rouse, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Comasteridae,
  • Crinoid,
  • Feather star,
  • Taxonomy,
  • Shallow-water crinoids,
  • Echinodermata crinoidea,
  • Myzostomida annelida,
  • Fauna echinodermata,
  • Marshall Islands,
  • Pacific

We provide a guide for identification of Comatulidae, a family of crinoid echinoderms, incorporating morphological and molecular evidence. A non-dichotomous key for all genera is included, as well as photographs of species most likely to be encountered in the tropical western Pacific Ocean. Based on sequencing of cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI), and other genes when necessary, we identified four cases where taxonomic revision was needed. We synonymized Comaster nobilis under Comaster schlegelii, and Clarkcomanthus exilis under Clarkcomanthus comanthipinnus, and re-described Clarkcomanthus albinotus. We also showed the variation of COI sequences within and among species, which varies from lineage to lineage. In some cases, specimens with obvious morphological disparity possessed very little intraspecific molecular diversity (<1%). In others, specimens with nearly identical external appearances exhibited quite divergent COI sequences (up to 6%). These results, combined with the non-dichotomous key herein, offer guidelines for identification and discussion of existing and new species of Comatulidae.


©2017 Magnolia Press

Citation Information
Mindi M. Summers, Charles Messing and Greg W. Rouse. "The Genera and Species of Comatulidae (Comatulida: Crinoidea): Taxonomic Revisions and a Molecular and Morphological Guide" Zootaxa Vol. 4268 Iss. 2 (2017) p. 151 - 190 ISSN: 1175-5326
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