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Diagnostic Validity of a Standardized Neuropsychological Battery Derived from Luria's Neuropsychological Tests.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
  • Charles J. Golden, Nova Southeastern University
  • Thomas A. Hammeke, University of South Dakota
  • Arnold D. Purisch
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A. R. Luria has devised an extensive set of procedures used for neuropsychological evaluation. His tests permit the full identification of the specific deficits underlying a disorder and can be completed in about 2 hrs. The most significant flaw in the battery is a lack of standard administration and scoring that has precluded an assessment of its validity. The present study attempted to overcome these deficiencies by developing an objective form, combining Luria's procedures with the advantages of a standard test battery. The resultant test, the Luria-South Dakota Neuro-psychological Test Battery, was evaluated using 50 medical patient controls, average age 42.0 yrs, and 50 neurological patients, average age 44.3 yrs. Of the 285 measures in the battery, 253 significantly discriminated at the .05 level, and only 16 failed to discriminate at the .2 level. A discriminant analysis, using the 30 most effective items, yielded a hit rate of 100%. The battery's potential and the future research necessary are discussed. (13 ref)

Citation Information
Charles J. Golden, Thomas A. Hammeke and Arnold D. Purisch. "Diagnostic Validity of a Standardized Neuropsychological Battery Derived from Luria's Neuropsychological Tests." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology Vol. 46 Iss. 6 (1978) p. 1258 - 1265 ISSN: 0022-006X
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