Since the introduction of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery (LNNB), issues related to its understanding, interpretation, and validity have generated much interest. In response to P. A. Spiers's (see record 1981-24833-001) criticism of the battery, the authors suggest that the controversy appears to arise from a divergence in theoretical orientation on the role of quantitative versus qualitative assessment as well as from differences in the understanding of measurement methodology and validity. The present article discusses the theoretical basis from which the LNNB was constructed and describes the process of test interpretation. Previous and current research on use and validity of the battery is presented as it relates to the theoretical and methodological concerns. While basic philosophical differences with other theoretical systems are not likely to be resolved, the authors of the LNNB will continue to emphasize the integration of quantitative and qualitative approaches, both in the use of the LNNB and in the field of neuropsychology in general. It is concluded that the LNNB will continue to be revised on the basis of research findings and experience with the test in different patient populations. (35 ref)
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