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Neuropsychological Deficits, Learning Disability, and Violent Behavior.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
  • Ernest T. Bryant
  • Monte L. Scott
  • Christopher D. Tori
  • Charles J. Golden, Nova Southeastern University
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Examined the relationship between neuropsychological functioning, learning disability, and violent behavior in 110 Ss solicited from 2 prison facilities. Ss were administered the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery. 60 Ss were also administered the Wide Range Achievement Test and Arithmetic, Vocabulary, Block Design, and Picture Arrangement subtests from the WAIS. Results indicate that (a) violent offenders tended to have serious neuropsychological deficits and that (b) Ss classified as brain damaged had a significantly higher rate of violent criminal activity than did the non-brain-damaged group. Findings are consistent with previous physiological research. (8 ref)

Citation Information
Ernest T. Bryant, Monte L. Scott, Christopher D. Tori and Charles J. Golden. "Neuropsychological Deficits, Learning Disability, and Violent Behavior." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology Vol. 52 Iss. 2 (1984) p. 323 - 324 ISSN: 0022-006X
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