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Imaginary: track 3 | Fly Solo
Music Technology Center
  • Chandra Gangavarapu, '21, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
  • Ahana Narayanan, '21, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

The next song is also about dreams. This time, we talk about taking the actions to achieve the dreams we have, but doing it on our own, “solo”. Many believe in some dreams to be unrealistic and unattainable, but Fly Solo identifies the fears associated with caring about what others think, leaving the path that most take, and being alone. The song also recognizes how others may not see the end goal we have in sight, further isolating us on our own path and making it more difficult to go on our path.

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Citation Information
Chandra Gangavarapu and Ahana Narayanan. "Imaginary: track 3 | Fly Solo" (2019)
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