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Imaginary: track 4 | Air
Music Technology Center
  • Chandra Gangavarapu, '21, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
  • Ahana Narayanan, '21, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

To end off the EP, we wrote the song Air. This song is meant to finish off the story of this EP, and in it, we talk about claiming one’s own ‘air’. After following and achieving the dreams that we have, the end goal entails maintaining an ‘air’ or ‘aura,’ a powerful effect that people are in awe of. The first verse is of the perspective of a person who has their own ‘air,’ but the conversation is a culmination of four different conversations, one in which others talk about how there is no way that one person accomplished that much, signified through the waves she’s made. The second conversation identifies the power of dreams and the potential that we hold, while the third conversation talks about our mundane lives and how to avoid being stuck in the past and grow. Finally, the fourth conversation is people realizing her aura and influence. These conversations serve as representations of each song in the EP. Various Indian elements such as swarams and ragams are used in this piece to add intensity and power to the song.

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Citation Information
Chandra Gangavarapu and Ahana Narayanan. "Imaginary: track 4 | Air" (2019)
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