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Imaginary: track 1 | Intro: Waves
Music Technology Center
  • Chandra Gangavarapu, '21, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
  • Ahana Narayanan, '21, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

The EP starts off with the intro. This song talks about the feeling of being in a place where everyone is exactly the same and experiences the same things, and compares it to the sea. The sea always remains constant, and is controlled by the moon, which “takes everyone on the same ride”. It then talks about how two people break away from this normal cycle and dream about a different life, day and night, unrestrained. Intro: Waves can be applied to society today and breaking away from societal and cultural norms.

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Citation Information
Chandra Gangavarapu and Ahana Narayanan. "Imaginary: track 1 | Intro: Waves" (2019)
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