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Imaginary: track 2 | Dreaming
Music Technology Center
  • Chandra Gangavarapu, '21, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
  • Ahana Narayanan, '21, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

As the name suggests, this song is about dreams. It talks about the nature of dreams, and how they make up a large part of our identity, leading us to do many things in order to achieve them. The song portrays dreams as having great value to us and talks about how our dreams always stay in our heads as our main focus. The last part of the song is about people who only talk, but never work hard to achieve their dreams, which we hope is the antithesis of who we are and aim to be. Dreaming uses many Indian elements, such as one drum beat being the Indian classical instrument, the tabla, and a string instrument used throughout the track, the sitar.

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Citation Information
Chandra Gangavarapu and Ahana Narayanan. "Imaginary: track 2 | Dreaming" (2019)
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