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La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus fortunas y adversidades
World Languages and Cultures Books
  • Chad M. Gasta, Iowa State University

La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus fortunas y adversidades is considered the world’s first picaresque novel and its prototype. Published in 1554 concurrently in Spain and Antwerp by an unknown author, the book tells the story of Lazarillo, an orphaned boy who becomes an apprentice to a series of masters, each of whom train him in the ways of the world. As the adult narrator, Lázaro explains how through cunning, deception, and wit, he has been able to overcome his ignoble birth to ascend socially and prosper materially. But in the process of reading his story, we become mindful of the difficulties of living in imperial Spain.

A 35-page introduction containing solid historical background material places the text in its cultural milieu and helps learners of Spanish master this fantastic story. Chad Gasta annotates the text further with abundant vocabulary glosses, end-of-chapter questions for comprehension and analysis, and helpful and informative notes.

10: 1-4786-0571-5
Publication Date:
Waveland Press

This book is published as Gasta, C.M. La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus fortunas y adversidades. Long Grove; Waveland Press; 2013. (cover, ToC); Posted with permission.

Citation Information
Chad M. Gasta. La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus fortunas y adversidades. Long Grove(2013)
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