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Multiphase Flow Measurement Techniques for Slurry Transport
International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering (2012)
  • Katherine J. Albion, The University of Western Ontario
  • Lauren Briens, The University of Western Ontario
  • Cedric Briens, The University of Western Ontario
  • Franco Berruti, The University of Western Ontario

Multiphase flow measurement techniques are required to monitor slurry transport in industrial processes. Monitoring methods are used to ensure that the slurry is transported under specific conditions, and as an indicator of potential problems. Intrusive and non-intrusive sensors are used to measure solids concentration, mass flowrates, velocities and flow patterns. Sensing techniques are based on pressure, electrical, sound, imaging and nuclear properties. In this literature review, measurement techniques examined for horizontal pipelines include pressure measurements, the Coriolis mass flowmeter, acoustic sensors, capacitance, conductivity and microwave probes, electrical resistance tomography, laser Doppler imaging and the Pulsed Neutron Activation Technique. The principles of operation are described along with experimental results and a critique of the sensors and technology.

  • slurry,
  • measurement techniques,
  • intrusive methods,
  • non-intrusive methods
Publication Date
March 2, 2012
Citation Information
Katherine J. Albion, Lauren Briens, Cedric Briens and Franco Berruti. "Multiphase Flow Measurement Techniques for Slurry Transport" International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering Vol. 9 (2012)
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