The Role of Research in Art Therapy Master's Degree Programs
Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association
Art therapy master's degree programs are required to provide instruction in research theory and methodology, in accordance with art therapy and professional counseling education standards. Although the art therapy standards outline broad, general principles regarding the study of research, the professional counseling standards are more comprehensive and focused on educating graduate students to be adept evaluators and consumers of research. This viewpoint discusses the role of research in the master's degree curriculum and whether it is pedagogically appropriate to require graduate students, who are in the early stages of mastering clinical skills, to conduct independent research. Recommendations are offered based on a review of existing practice and educational theory
- art therapy
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Citation Information
Cecile Brennan. "The Role of Research in Art Therapy Master's Degree Programs" Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association Vol. 28 Iss. 3 (2011) Available at: