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Amicus Brief in United States v. Windsor by Scholars for the Recognition of Children's Constitutional Rights
The Journal of Gender, Race & Justice
  • Tanya Washington, Georgia State University College of Law
  • Catherine Smith, Washington and Lee University School of Law
  • Susannah Pollvogt, University of Denver
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This amicus brief filed by Scholars of the Constitutional Rights of Children in Windsor turns the spotlight on children in same-sex families. The brief enumerates the many ways Section 3 of DOMA impairs children's interests by denying federal recognition of their parents' marriages. The brief was cited in Respondent's Brief to the Supreme Court for its central thesis: children are a vulnerable demographic which deserves government action that serves their interests, not government action that impairs their interests.

Citation Information
Tanya Washington, Catherine Smith & Susannah Pollvogt, Amicus Brief in United States v. Windsor by Scholars for the Recognition of Children's Constitutional Rights, 17 J. Gender Race & Just. 467 (2014).