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An ER Decision to Withhold CPR
Virtual Mentor
  • Catherine A. Marco, Wright State University
  • Raquel M. Schears
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Patients, families and friends often have unrealistic expectations of resuscitative efforts, based on a number of erroneous sources of information, including television, movies, newspapers and word of mouth. Education about realistic expectations and appropriate management of emergent cases with unrealistic likelihood of a positive outcome is a challenge, particularly in the ED setting where there is no pre-existing patient-physician relationship, communication and rapport must be rapidly established, and decisions must be made expeditiously, often without the luxury of complete medical history.

Citation Information
Catherine A. Marco and Raquel M. Schears. "An ER Decision to Withhold CPR" Virtual Mentor Vol. 9 Iss. 3 (2007) p. 174 - 181 ISSN: 19377010
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