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Estimation and Welfare Calculations in a Generalized Corner Solution Model with an Application to Recreation Demand
CARD Working Papers
  • Daniel J. Phaneuf, North Carolina State University
  • Catherine L. Kling, Iowa State University
  • Joseph A. Herriges, Iowa State University
Publication Date
Series Number
99-WP 207

The Kuhn-Tucker model provides a utility theoretic framework for estimating preferences over commodities for which individuals choose not to consume one or more of the goods. This paper provides an application of the Kuhn-Tucker model to the problem of recreation demand and site selection, modeling the demand for fishing in the Wisconsin Great Lakes region.

Publication Information

This paper was published as Phaneuf, Daniel J., Catherine L. Kling and Joseph A. Herriges, "Estimation and Welfare Calculations in a Generalized Corner Solution Model with an Application to Recreation Demand," The Review of Economics and Statistics 82 (2000): 83–92, doi:10.1162/003465300558650.

Citation Information
Daniel J. Phaneuf, Catherine L. Kling and Joseph A. Herriges. "Estimation and Welfare Calculations in a Generalized Corner Solution Model with an Application to Recreation Demand" (1998)
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