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Projecting Range Expansion of Invasive European Green Crabs (Carcinus maenas) to Alaska: Temperature and Salinity Tolerance of Larvae
Environmental Science and Management Faculty Publications and Presentations
  • Anson Hines, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
  • Greg Ruiz, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
  • Natasha Gray Hitchcock, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
  • Catherine E. de Rivera, Portland State University
Document Type
Technical Report
Publication Date
  • Carcinus maenas -- Monitoring -- Pacific Northwest,
  • Carcinus maenas -- Pacific Northwest -- Geographical distribution

The European Green Crab (Carcinus maenas) is a global invader, successfully colonizing many world regions and having significant ecological and economic impacts. The Green Crab colonized western North America in the late 1980s, spreading primarily northward from the initial establishment in San Francisco Bay to several other bays in northern California, Oregon, and Washington. Initial analysis, based largely upon temperature tolerance of postlarval crabs, suggests Green Crabs will continue to spread and become established throughout much of Alaska. However, establishment of self-sustaining populations in Alaska may be restricted by environmental conditions for reproduction and larval development, instead of the broad tolerances of postlarval crabs. Using laboratory experiments, we tested conditions required for successful development of Green Crab larvae. We collected ovigerous Green Crabs from California and Maine, and cultured larval stages under various temperature and salinity conditions, measuring conditions necessary for survival and the length of time required for successful development (i.e., metamorphosis to postlarval crab stage). Our laboratory experiments indicate poor larval survivorship and development at temperatures below 10oC and salinities below 20 ppt. Based upon temperature-specific development rates, several sites within Prince William Sound and elsewhere in Alaska appear warm enough to support self-sustaining Green Crab populations, even though larval tolerances are more restrictive than those for adult crabs. Coupled with northward natural dispersal and ship-mediated transfer in ballast water, our data indicate Alaska is at risk to invasion by Green Crabs. The extent to which biotic interactions (e.g., competition, predation, etc.) may affect colonization success and population sizes remain unresolved.


Submitted to: Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council

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Citation Information
Anson Hines, Greg Ruiz, Natasha Gray Hitchcock and Catherine E. de Rivera. "Projecting Range Expansion of Invasive European Green Crabs (Carcinus maenas) to Alaska: Temperature and Salinity Tolerance of Larvae" (2004)
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