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Contribution to Book
The Future of Business Discourse Teaching
Teaching Business Discourse
  • Cornelia Ilie
  • Catherine Nickerson
  • Brigitte Planken
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date

This chapter will:; ; ; Explore ways in which new media and digital technologies are shaping business communication and highlight the importance of digital communicative competence for learners and teachers;; ; ; Discuss ways in which the digital workplace can be brought into the business discourse classroom;; ; ; Discuss the role of Business English and other business languages in international business and what this means for business discourse teaching;; ; ; Consider how the multicultural workplace can inform business discourse teaching;; ; ; Provide a case study that illustrates some of the above developments, together with a set of tasks appropriate for the business discourse classroom, and a set of further readings.

Springer International Publishing
Indexed in Scopus
Open Access
Citation Information
Cornelia Ilie, Catherine Nickerson and Brigitte Planken. "The Future of Business Discourse Teaching" Teaching Business Discourse (2018) p. 21 - 36
Available at: