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About Cassandra Paul

Cassandra Paul earned her PhD in Physics from the University of California Davis with an emphasis in Physics Education Research. There she studied the interactions between instructors and students in an interactive introductory physics course called Collaborative Learning through active Sense-making in Physics (CLASP). She was a part of a team of researchers who developed the Real-time Instructor Observing Tool (RIOT) an observation protocol that allows an observer to broadly categorize actions that take place between instructors and students in real-time.

More recently Cassandra has been working with colleagues to develop the Student Participation Observation Tool (SPOT), a sister to the RIOT but with more emphasis on categorizing classroom opportunities for student voice, and better suited for classroom environments that are not quite as reformed as the CLASP curriculum.

Currently, Cassandra's main research interests involve how instructors implement interactive engagement and active learning pedagogies, professional development activities that support these efforts, and the institutional reward systems in place for instructor implementation of these techniques.

Cassandra is also very interested in better understanding the intricacies of the relationships between instructor learning goals, student assessments, instructor feedback, student self-regulation, grading policies, how these factors determine student performance and success in the classroom, and what implications this has for student equity.


Present Associate Professor, San Jose State University Physics and Astronomy
Present Associate Professor, San Jose State University Science Education

Curriculum Vitae


2017 How do faculty use RIOT Paul, 11 data to improve their teaching?
San Jose State University
Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity award
2016 Categorizing Teaching Assistants Interactions in Physics Lab Classrooms – Kevin Hartman
San Jose State University
Undergraduate Research Grant
2015 Understanding Student Study Habits – Kyle Blyth
San Jose State University
Undergraduate Research Grant
2014 Analysis of instructor perception of Student Participation Observation Tool – Celeste Ma
San Jose State University
Undergraduate Research Grant
2014 Development of classroom interaction data visualization and analysis software – Zairac Smith
San Jose State University
Undergraduate Research Grant
2014 How do educators use the RIOT observation protocol web application?
San Jose State University
Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity award
2014 Instructor observation/reflection pairs constructed through SPOT – Stephanie Lorelli
San Jose State University
Undergraduate Research Grant
2014 Textbook Alternatives Project (TAP)
San Jose State University
2013 Department Student Success grant
San Jose State University
Role: Co-author
2013 Development of a classroom observation format and protocol to assess student participation and interactivity in undergraduate STEM courses
San Jose State University
PI - NSF PRIME DRL 1337069
Role: Principal Investigator
2013 Grant Development Institute
San Jose State University
2013 Innovative Teaching – Course Redesign
San Jose State University
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Professional Service and Affiliations

2017 - Present Member, Physics Education Research Leadership Organizing Council (PERLOC)
2012 - Present Member, American Association of Physics Teachers - Physics Education Research Topical Group
2008 - Present Member, American Association of Physics Teachers
2017 - 2018 Chair of Research in Physics Education (RIPE), American Association of Physics Teachers
2016 - 2017 Vice Chair of Research in Physics Education (RIPE) committee, American Association of Physics Teachers
2015 Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science
2011 - 2014 Editor, Physics Education Research Job Blog
2013 Member, Astronomical Society of the Pacific
2012 - 2013 Member, American Association of Physics Teachers Northern California & Nevada
2002 - 2005 Volunteer, Wyoming Infrared Observatory (WIRO) Open House
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Honors and Awards

  • Grant Development Institute, San José State University Spring 2013 ($500)
  • Dissertation Year Fellowship, University of California-Davis, 2011-2012 ($20,000)


2009 - 2012 Ph.D., University of California, Davis ‐ Physics Education Research
2005 M.S., University of Wyoming ‐ Astrophysics
2002 B.A., State University of New York at Oswego ‐ Astronomy

Conference and Colloquium Talks (20)

Poster Presentations (12)

Newsletters, Bulletins and Other Works (1)