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Model studies of oxygen-intercalated graphite
Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Aldona M. Butkus
  • Cary Y. Yang, Santa Clara University
  • Y. W. Tsang
  • C. Y. Fong
Document Type
Publication Date
American Physical Society

The possibility of intercalating oxygen to reduce the conductivity of graphite has been investigated by modified intermediate neglect of differential overlap 3 and tight-binding methods. The cluster calculations suggest that the most stable position for the oxygen atom is 1.25 A above a carbon-carbon bond. The tight-binding band calculation predicts the stage-I intercalated graphite to be a zero-indirect-gap semiconductor. Higher-stage intercalated graphite is expected to have a finite insulating gap whose value is governed by the carbon-oxygen interaction.


Copyright © 1982 American Physical Society. Reprinted with permission.

Citation Information
A.M. Butkus, C.Y. Yang, Y.W. Tsang, and C.Y. Fong, “Model Studies of Oxygen Intercalated Graphite,” Physics Review B 26, 6853-6861 (1982).