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Insulator-Conductor Transition in Tetracyanoplatinate Complexes
Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Jesus P. Lopez
  • Cary Y. Yang, Santa Clara University
  • David A. Case
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Elsevier B. V.

The changes in electronic structure of the tetracyanoplatinate complex accompanying the transition [Pt(CN)2−4]n(insulator) + oxidant → [Pt(CN)2 −q+4]n(conductor) have been investigated with a cluster model approach. Calculations for trimer (n = 3) cluster models of the insulator and conductor have been performed with the self-consistent-field Xα Dirac scattered-wave method. Based on the cluster electronic structure, we infer that the valence band edge in the insulator is not dzz like, but consists of metal (dδ + dπ) and ligand character. Partial oxidation of this band results in a shortening of the inter-stack distance, leading in turn to a partially occupied dzz-like valence band. Thus electron transport occurs along the Pt backbone.

Citation Information
J.P. Lopez, C.Y. Yang, and D.A. Case, “Insulator-Conductor Transition in Tetracyanoplatinate Complexes,” Chemical Physics Letters 91, 353-357 (1982).