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Diffraction model for thermoreflectance data
Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • S. Kureshi
  • Drazen Fabris, Santa Clara University
  • Shawn Tokairin, Santa Clara University
  • Christopher V. Cardenas
  • Cary Y. Yang, Santa Clara University
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Optical Society of America

Thermoreflectance imaging provides the capability to map temperature spatially on the submicrometer scale by using a light source and CCD camera for data acquisition. The ability to achieve such spatial resolution and observe detailed features is influenced by optical diffraction. By combining diffraction from both the sample and substrate, a model is developed to determine the intensity of the thermoreflectance signal. This model takes into account the effective optical distance, sample width, wavelength, signal phase shift, and reflectance intensity, while showing qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental thermoreflectance images from 1 and 10 μm wide gold lines at two wavelengths.

Citation Information
S. Kureshi, D. Fabris, S. Tokairin, C.V. Cardena, and C.Y. Yang, “Diffraction model for thermoreflectance data,” Applied Optics 54, 5314-5319 (2015).