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Secondary electron emission from freely supported nanowires
Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Makoto Suzuki
  • Kazuhiro Kumagai
  • Takashi Sekiguchi
  • Alan M. Cassell
  • Tsutomu Saito
  • Cary Y. Yang, Santa Clara University
Document Type
Publication Date
American Institute of Physics Publishing

We present secondary electron (SE) emission results from freely supported carbon/silicon nitride (Si3N4) hybrid nanowires using scanning electron microscopy. We found that, contrary to bulk materials, the SE emission from insulating or electrically isolated metallic nanowires is strongly suppressed by the penetrating beam. A mechanism of the SE suppression by the positive specimen charging is proposed, which is based on a total emission yield calculation using the Monte Carlo technique. This finding provides an important basis for studying low-energy electron emission from nanostructures under a penetrating electron beam.


Copyright © 2008 American Institute of Physics Publishing. Reprinted with permission.

Citation Information
M. Suzuki, K. Kumagai, T. Sekiguchi, A.M. Cassell, T. Saito, and C.Y. Yang, “Secondary electron emission from freely supported nanowires,” Journal of Applied Physics 104, 114306 (6 pp) (2008).