Spreading the Word: Service Learning in a Media Literacy Course
Teaching Journalism and Mass Communication
Proliferating media and other digital tools have created a landscape that beckons children and adolescents as consumers and producers. It is imperative that young people develop knowledge and skills to effectively leverage those media for entertainment, learning, and critical analysis. This research focuses on an undergraduate media literacy course that teaches how children and adolescents absorb and interact with different types of
media. The course sent undergraduate students into the surrounding community to teach what they are learning on campus to children in elementary and middle-school programs, either in the classroom or after school. The authors used participant action research (PAR) to evaluate, revise, and improve the course. Based on undergraduate course evaluations and course-related blogs by students, the authors worked to improved the course year after year.
- media literacy,
- service learning,
- Jesuit pedagogy
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