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Integrating Consumer Preferences in Renewable Energy Expansion Planning Using Agent-Based Modeling
Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference
  • Anuj Mittal, Iowa State University
  • Caroline Krejci, Iowa State University
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Version
Accepted Manuscript
Publication Date
Conference Title
2017 Winter Simulation Conference
Conference Date
December 3-6, 2017
(38.855419, -77.05212890000001)

As share of renewable sources in the energy sector is increasing, the energy production and distribution network’s centralized structure is changing to numerous small-scale distributed networks. Energy consumers in the residential sector are increasingly becoming energy producers by adopting rooftop photo voltaic (PV) systems. However, increasing rooftop PV adoption has contributed to diminishing revenues for utility companies. This paper describes an agent-based model that has been developed to help utility companies better understand the impacts of consumers’ preferences and behaviors on adding renewable sources to their energy mix. Experimental results demonstrate that including both consumers and utility companies as stakeholders can help the utilities alleviate revenue losses due to increasing rooftop PV adoption while meeting their renewable energy expansion targets.


This is an accepted manuscript of a proceedings from the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference. Posted with permission.

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Citation Information
Anuj Mittal and Caroline Krejci. "Integrating Consumer Preferences in Renewable Energy Expansion Planning Using Agent-Based Modeling" Crystal City, VAProceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference (2017)
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