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About Caroline Schroeder

Teaching Philosophy
My teaching is multidisciplinary, involving literature, history, art, archaeology, film, and technology. It empowers students to be not merely consumers of information, but also producers of knowledge by incorporating student-initiated projects, active-learning activities, and experiential learning and field trips. It incorporates and deeply engages primary sources in order to provide a critical, analytical, and historical study of religion. Additionally, it requires attention to different theoretical approaches and methods. In my teaching, I address the challenges of understanding antiquity in a world oriented to the present by exploring historical continuities between the past and the present, as well as by interrogating modern concepts (such as gender, social class, race, etc.) by examining the past.

Scholarly Interest
I am a cultural historian of religion, with a primary focus on Christianity in the Late Antiquity period.
I have three major, active research projects: a monograph, Monks and Their Children; a co-edited volume with Catherine Chin of UC Davis, Melania: Early Christianity through the Life of One Family; and a digital humanities project, Coptic SCRIPTORIUM. I am also working on essays on social media and the Gospel of Jesus's Wife Fragment, Digital Humanities and colonized cultural heritage, and the historiography of early Christian studies.


2016 - Present Professor of Religious Studies, University of the Pacific ‐ College of the Pacific
2010 - 2016 Associate Professor, University of the Pacific ‐ College of the Pacific
2012 - 2014 Director of the Humanities Center, University of the Pacific
2007 - 2010 Assistant Professor, University of the Pacific ‐ College of the Pacific
2004 - 2007 Fellow and Lecturer, Stanford University
2002 - 2004 Woodrow Wilson Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell University
2002 - 2004 Woodrow Wilson Postdoctoral Fellow, Ithaca College
2001 - 2002 Instructor, Elon University
1999 - 2000 Instructor, Duke University ‐ Trinity College
1997 - 2000 Editorial Assistant, Duke University
1996 Preceptor/Teaching Assistant, Duke University

Research Interests

Religious Studies, Religion, Christianity, Coptic, Digital Humanities, Monasticism, Monastaries, Monks, Eqypt, History, Asceticism, Gender Studies, and Shenoute of Atripe

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Honors and Awards

  • Jane Dempsey Douglass Prize, American Society of Church History, 2015
  • Visiting Scholar, Brown University Department of Religious Studies, Sept 29-Oct 3, 2014
  • NEH Digital Humanities Institute for Advanced Topics, "Data Curation for the Digital Humanities," University of Maryland, October 2013, participant
  • NEH Digital Humanities Institute for Advanced Topics, "Working with Text in a Digital Age," Tufts University (Perseus Online Library), Summer 2012 participant
  • United Methodist Scholar/Teacher Award, 2010
  • Technology in Education Committee: Physical Computing in the Humanities ($4760)
  • Technology in Education Committee & Center for Teaching and Learning Grant: Tiger Domains: Domain of One’s Own Pilot Project ($8,570 TEC + $9000 CTL)
  • Thomas J. Long General Education Fellowship for Teaching, 2013, 2015
  • Pacific Fund Grant, Fall 2012, Spring 2015
  • College of the Pacific Research Fund Grant, Fall 2013, Fall 2014
  • Eberhardt Research Fellowships, 2008, 2014
  • Phi Kappa Phi National Honors Society, 2013
  • Scholarly/Artistic Activity Grants, Fall 2012, Fall 2013
  • Council on Academic and Professional Development Grants, Spring 2008, Fall 2011, Fall 2012
  • Rupley-Church Grant for International Relations and Research, 2012
  • NEH Summer Stipend, Institutional Nominee for 2011 Summer Stipends
  • United Methodist Scholar/Teacher Nominee, 2010
  • Writing in the Disciplines Teaching Grant (Departmental grant
  • participant and minor contributor to proposal), 2007-2008
  • Emerson Humanities Fund Grant, 2002
  • Office of the Provost Grants 2002, 2003, 2004
  • Teaching and Technology Grant, 2003
  • Orval S. Wintermute Graduate Instructorship, 2000-2001 (declined)
  • Anne Firor Scott Research Award, History and Women’s Studies, 1999-2000
  • Ernestine Friedl Research Award, Anthropology and Women’s Studies, 1999-2000 (honorary)
  • Aleane Webb Dissertation Research Fellowship, 1999-2000
  • Graduate School Dissertation Travel Award (Egypt), 1999-2000
  • Preparing Future Faculty Fellow, 1999-2000
  • Women's Studies Scholars Society, 1997-2002
  • Graduate Fellowship, 1995-1999
  • Phi Beta Kappa, 1993
  • Bishop McVickar Prize for Thesis in Religious Studies, 1993
  • Hypatia Mathematics Prize, 1989
  • NEH-DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) bilateral grant: KELLIA (Koptische/Coptic Electronic Language and Literature International Alliance), 2015-18 ($192,500 + 122,610€, US principal investigator)
  • German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for Digital Humanities: KOMeT (Korpuslinguistische Methoden für eHumanities mit TEI), 2014-15 (participant and project mentor)
  • NEH Office of Digital Humanities Start Up Grant for Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, 2014-15 ($60,000, principal investigaor)
  • NEH Division of Preservation and Access Foundations Grant for Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, 2014-15 ($40,000, principal investigator)
  • Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship for Advanced Researchers, 2011-12
  • NEH Summer Stipend, 2011 ($6000)
  • Graves Award in the Humanities, 2010-2011 ($8800)
  • American Academy of Religion, Individual Research Grant, 2008-2009 ($4829.13)


  • RELI 25 New Testament/Christian Origins
  • RELI 104 Religion of the Pharaohs
  • RELI 130 Christian Tradition
  • RELI 39/ENGL 39 Introduction to Digital Humanities
  • RELI 143 Religion, Race, and Justice in the US


2002 Ph.D., Religion, Duke University
1998 M.A., Religion, Duke University
1994 - 1995 Graduate Theological Union
1993 A.B., Religious Studies, Brown University

Contact Information

WPC 101
Phone: 209.946.3093


Articles (16)

Journal articles written by Dr. Caroline Schroeder.

Book Reviews (11)

Published book reviews written by Dr. Caroline Schroeder.

Presentations (68)

Conference proceedings, presentations, lectures and symposium given by Dr. Caroline Schroeder.