Background: This study presents a formative evaluation of nine pre-licensure workshops to educate on interprofessional, client-centred mental healthcare. The workshops, informed by the conceptual framework of Orchard, Curran, and Kabene had two key objectives: to stimulate networking and to socialize healthcare providers in working together.
Methods and Findings: A participatory action research (PAR) methodology was used for workshop planning and evaluation. Descriptive surveys and feedback forms using closed- and open-ended questions were used to examine whether the intended population was reached, to determine participant satisfaction, and to investigate to what level program objectives had been implemented. Students (625) from different disciplines attended two-hour after-class workshops. The results indicated that students were interested in learning about interprofessionalism and satisfied in the knowledge, attitude, and skills (practice) they received from the workshops. Participants indicated that they had or intended to use some of their learning about interprofessional practice. Key successful approaches, such as the partnership with psychiatric consumers, were incorporated into later workshop series.
Conclusions: The workshops demonstrated that interprofessional workshops can be one training component for pre-licensure students and can increase academic interest in interprofessional education.
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