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Using a research-informed interprofessional curriculum framework to guide reflection and future planning of interprofessional education in a multi-site context
Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education (2015)
  • Monica Catherine Moran, Central Queensland University
  • Carole Steketee, The University of Notre Dame Australia
  • Dawn Forman, Curtin University
  • Roger Dunston, University of Technology Sydney
Background: Over the past two years health educators in Australia have benefited
from funding made available from national organizations such as the Office of
Learning and Teaching (OLT) and Health Workforce Australia (HWA). Funded
research has been conducted into educational activities across the country that
aim to promote integrated and sustainable interprofessional learning.
Methods and Findings: A collaboration between multiple stakeholders led to the
establishment of a consortium of nine universities and interprofessional organizations.
This collaboration resulted in a series of research studies and the development
of a conceptual framework to guide the planning and review of
interprofessional health curricula. A case study of the development of a suite of
health education programs at a regional university in Australia is used to demonstrate
how the framework can be used to guide curricular reflection and to plan
for the future. Shedding a light on interprofessional health education activities
across multiple sites provides a rich picture of current practices and future trends.
Commonalities, gaps, and challenges become much more obvious and allow for
the development of shared opportunities and solutions.
Conclusions: The production of a shared conceptual framework to facilitate interprofessional
curriculum development provides valuable strategies for curricular
reflection, review, and forward planning.
Publication Date
Citation Information
Moran, M., Steketee, C., Forman, D., and Dunston, R. (2015). Using a research-informed interprofessional curriculum framework to guide reflection and future planning of interprofessional education in a multi-site context. Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education, 5(1), Online.