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Implementation of a hybrid mobile web learning environment in the health professions: A design based research approach
Medical Conference Papers
  • Frank G Bate, University of Notre Dame Australia
  • Carole Steketee, University of Notre Dame Australia
Publication Date

Teaching has always been at the core of what it means to practice in the health professions. Health professionals generally accept that as part of their role they will be involved in educating subsequent generations of health professionals. However, whilst health educators typically have extensive knowledge and skills in the area of their professional discipline, the art and science of passing knowledge from one generation to the next (pedagogy) in the clinical setting, is often overlooked in the context of demanding clinical, teaching, and/or research responsibilities. Furthermore, many health professionals have had no formal training in educational theory and best practice methods, and busy schedules leave little time for improving their own educational knowledge and skills by attending scheduled courses or workshops. This paper discusses how design-based research influenced a hybrid mobile-web learning solution for providing educational professional development to health professionals who are also teachers. It is argued that design-based research provides a rigorous framework in which to ground educational design and development processes, particularly when dealing with embryonic and unproven learning technologies.

  • medical education,
  • mobile learning

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Citation Information
Frank G Bate and Carole Steketee. "Implementation of a hybrid mobile web learning environment in the health professions: A design based research approach" (2013)
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