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Gêneros Jornalísticos e Desastres.pdf
Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias de la Comunicación (2020)
  • Paola PB Primo, Federal University of Esp
  • Michele N Antunes, Federal University of Esp
  • Carlos Eduardo Siqueira
  • Adauto Emmerich, Federal University of Espí
  • José M Mendes, Universidade de Coim
This article analyzes how the health issue is addressed in newspapers that emerged after the Fundão dam burst, in Mariana (MG). One, of the community journalistic genre, made by the rights themselves 
and three others of the institutional genre, created by the institution responsible for managing as post-disaster actions. Collection of information collection and analysis of critical discourse analysis, it is concluded that there is a difference in the way of enunciating the disaster and different approaches on the theme of health. There is an attempt by the community newspaper to break the discursive hegemony, in addition to promoting the vocalization of those affected, while institutional journals seek the dominant hegemonic
 power, through untying the population's health problems from the disaster.

  • Communication and Health,
  • Communications Media
Publication Date
Fall 2020
Citation Information
Paola PB Primo, Michele N Antunes, Carlos Eduardo Siqueira, Adauto Emmerich, et al.. "Gêneros Jornalísticos e Desastres.pdf" Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias de la Comunicación Vol. 19 Iss. 3 (2020) p. 233 - 244 ISSN: 1807-3026
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