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Transport and Health: A Look at Three Latin American Cities
Cadernos de Saúde Pública
  • Janeth Mosquera Becerra, Portland State University
  • Rodrigo S. Reis, Universidade Católica do Paraná
  • Lawrence D. Frank, University of British Columbia
  • Farah A. Ramirez-Marrero, Universidad de Puerto Rico
  • Benjamin Welle, EMBARQ, World Resources Institute, Washington DC
  • Eugenio Arriaga Cordero, Portland State University
  • Fabian Mendez Paz, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia
  • Carlos J. Crespo, Portland State University
  • Veronica Dujon, Portland State University
  • Enrique Jacoby, Ministerio de Salud, Lima, Perï¾£
  • Jennifer Dill, Portland State University
  • Lynn Weigand, Portland State University
  • Carlos M. Padin, Escuela de Asuntos Ambientales, Universidad Metropolitana
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Transportation planning -- Columbia,
  • Transportation -- Environmental aspects,
  • Transportation -- Government policy

Transport is associated with environmental problems, economic losses, health and social inequalities. A number of European and US cities have implemented initiatives to promote multimodal modes of transport. In Latin America changes are occurring in public transport systems and a number of projects aimed at stimulating non-motorized modes of transport (walking and cycling) have already been implemented. Based on articles from peer-reviewed academic journals, this paper examines experiences in Bogota (Colombia), Curitiba (Brazil), and Santiago (Chile), and identifies how changes to the transport system contribute to encourage active transportation. Bus rapid transit, ciclovias, bike paths/lanes, and car use restriction are initiatives that contribute to promoting active transportation in these cities. Few studies have been carried out on the relationship between transport and physical activity. Car ownership continues to increase. The public health sector needs to be a stronger activist in the transport policy decision-making process to incorporate health issues into the transport agenda in Latin America.


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Citation Information
Becerra, Janeth Mosquera, Rodrigo S. Reis, Lawrence D. Frank, Farah A. Ramirez-Marrero, Benjamin Welle, Eugenio Arriaga Cordero, Fabian Mendez Paz et al. "Transport and health: a look at three Latin American cities." Cadernos de Saúde Pública 29, no. 4 (2013): 654-666.