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Aging Athletes, Broken Bodies, and Disability in Jack London's Prizefighting Prose
English Faculty Publications
  • Cara E. Kilgallen, Sacred Heart University
Document Type
Peer-Reviewed Article
Publication Date

Jack London's name often conjures up images of dogs plowing through Alaska's desolate wilderness, or of robust men journeying into the wild; however, pictures of broken bodies struggling for survival in a boxing ring less readily come to mind. Few think of London as a sports writer, yet his illustrations of prizefighting reveal an author interested not only in able bodied athletes but in disabled and weakened ones as well. Although he is best known for his Klondike stories, nautical adventures, and socialist sentiments, the author's fascination with fitness shows that sport and the body are just as central to London's evolving aesthetic and ideology.


Version posted is the author's final edited copy.

Published in its final version as: Kilgallen, Cara Erdheim. "Aging Athletes, Broken Bodies, and Disability in Jack London's Prizefighting Prose." Studies in American Naturalism, vol. 12, no. 2, 2017, pp. 200-219.

Citation Information

Kilgallen, Cara Erdheim. "Aging Athletes, Broken Bodies, and Disability in Jack London's Prizefighting Prose." Studies in American Naturalism, vol. 12, no. 2, 2017, pp. 200-219.