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Lessons From Figure Skating: To the Sports Editor
New York Times (2018)
  • Cara Erdheim Kilgallen
Re “Nathan Chen Leads Olympic Figure Skating Team; Ross Miner Is Bumped,” Jan. 7: At a moment when Tonya Harding, triple Axels, and the sport’s elitism permeate popular discourse, Jeré Longman’s poignant piece seems timely indeed.
  • Jeré Longman,
  • Nathan Chen,
  • Ross Miner,
  • Olympics,
  • United States Team,
  • Courses,
  • American Sports Stories,
  • Literature,
  • Culture,
  • Art,
  • International Judging System
Publication Date
January 14, 2018
Publisher Statement
All rights reserved.
Citation Information
Kilgallen, C. E. (2018, Jan. 14). To the Sports Editor. The New York Times, pp. SP10.