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Effect of Plastic Incompatibility on the Strain Hardening Behavior of Al-TiN Nanolayered Composites
Materials Science and Engineering: A
  • Sixie Huang
  • Jian Wang
  • Caizhi Zhou, Missouri University of Science and Technology

The strain hardening behavior of Al-TiN nanolayered composites induced by plastic incompatibility was studied by 3-D discrete dislocation dynamics (DDD) simulations. Our simulations results indicate the strain hardening rate solely induced by the plastic incompatibility is independent of layer thickness and dislocation density at a constant layer thickness ratio, while the yield stress exhibits a strong size effect. Furthermore, the strain hardening rate increases with decreasing Al/TiN layer thickness ratio and our predicted results match well with prior experiment data.

Materials Science and Engineering
Research Center/Lab(s)
Center for High Performance Computing Research
Keywords and Phrases
  • Hardening,
  • Strain Hardening,
  • Strain Rate,
  • Titanium Compounds,
  • Titanium Nitride,
  • Yield Stress,
  • Discrete Dislocation Dynamics,
  • Dislocation Densities,
  • Experiment Data,
  • Layer Thickness,
  • Layer Thickness Ratio,
  • Size Effects,
  • Strain Hardening Behavior,
  • Strain Hardening Rate,
  • Aluminum
Document Type
Article - Journal
Document Version
File Type
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd, All rights reserved.
Publication Date
Publication Date
01 Jun 2015
Citation Information
Sixie Huang, Jian Wang and Caizhi Zhou. "Effect of Plastic Incompatibility on the Strain Hardening Behavior of Al-TiN Nanolayered Composites" Materials Science and Engineering: A Vol. 636 (2015) p. 430 - 433 ISSN: 0921-5093
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