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Experimental and Sensitivity Analysis of DMASP Cantilever Vibration Behavior Based on MCS Theory in the Moist Environment
Smart Materials and Structures
  • M. H. Korayem, Iran University of Science and Technology
  • Byung I. Kim, Boise State University
  • A. H. Korayem, Boise State University
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A Micro-cantilever (MC) and a probe are two main components of the atomic force microscope (AFM). The dimensions of these components are in micro scales while their oscillation amplitude is on a nanometer scale. The present study intended to not only increase the accuracy of the simulation with regard to geometric discontinuities based on the Timoshenko Beam Model using the modified couple stress (MCS) theory but also increase the accuracy of the prediction of a system behavior by considering the effect hysteresis effect into the system vibration equations based on Bouc-Wen Model. Due to the lack of the experimental results for this kind of MCs, this paper is focused on the both experiment and simulation results by utilizing the DMASP micro cantilever. The vibration equations have been discretized based on the differential quadrature (DQ) model and solved using the Newmark algorithm and Laplace transforms in the free and forced vibration modes of AFM piezoelectric MC. The roughness of the surfaces affects the MC vibration behavior in the air medium. Therefore, surface roughness affecting van der Waals force has been considered in the air medium. Furthermore, the simulation results were compared with experimental results by performing experimental tests in the air medium with different moisture content. The experimental tests performed in the free vibration mode included frequency and time response and the forced mode sample surface topography and its effect on the MC vibration amplitude during the sample surface topography in different vibration modes. Moreover, the speed of equation solving was accelerated by performing sensitivity analysis based on the EFAST method as well as investigating the coupling effect of geometric and enforcement parameters on the amplitude and frequency of the MC and eliminating less effective parameters. The comparison of experimental results with theoretical results is indicative of the accuracy of MCS theory in the simulation.


The published title is "Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of the DMASP Cantilever Vibration Behavior Based on the MCS theory in Moist Environment".

Copyright Statement

This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article published in Smart Materials and Structures. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at doi: 10.1088/1361-665X/aaacb4.

Citation Information
M. H. Korayem, Byung I. Kim and A. H. Korayem. "Experimental and Sensitivity Analysis of DMASP Cantilever Vibration Behavior Based on MCS Theory in the Moist Environment" Smart Materials and Structures (2018)
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