Improving Engineering Report Writing with Calibrated Peer Review
Proceedings of the 2003 Frontiers in Education Conference
We explored the use ofCalibrared Peer Revieww (CPR) to improve the writing skills of senior-level Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering students in n course on Experimental Methods (ME 120). We implemented CPR for three writing assignments andpioneered an approach to enable students to submit writing that included graphics through the use of Portable Document Format (pdfl files. We suspect that CPR did help improve the students’ writing and critical rending skills. but student surveys showed substantial discontent with its use.
- engineering report,
- writing,
- calibrated
Publication Date
November, 2003
Publisher Statement
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Citation Information
Burford J Furman and W. Robinson. "Improving Engineering Report Writing with Calibrated Peer Review" Proceedings of the 2003 Frontiers in Education Conference Vol. 2 (2003) Available at: