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Interspecific Variation in Extraction of Buried Seeds within an Assemblage of Sparrows
Oikos (2000)
  • David M. Whalen
  • Bryan Watts, The Center for Conservation Biology
Most North American sparrows forage almost exclusively on herbaceous seeds during the winter months. Limited availability of surface seeds forces some birds to scratch for seeds buried beneath soil, snow, or litter. Artificial seed trays were used to test the ability of five different sparrow species to extract seeds buried at different depths in soil. The results suggest three functional groups based on relative scratching ability. Strong scratchers, which included eastern towhee and song and white-throated sparrows, met or exceeded their energetic requirements when foraging on seeds buried at all depths (down to a maximum depth of 1.50–2.25 cm). A weak scratching species, Savannah sparrow, scratched with the same frequency as the strong scratchers, but experienced negative energy budgets when forced to forage on sub-surface seeds. Finally, a non-scratching species, field sparrow, failed to extract any buried seeds.
Level of scratching ability may influence foraging efficiency at low resource densities. As a result, interspecific differences in scratching ability may contribute to habitat selection. Strong scratchers may be adapted to foraging near woody vegetation where intense resource competition and abundant litter limit the availability of surface seeds. Weak scratchers, on the other hand, may be forced to feed away from areas where surface seeds are limited. Since woody vegetation serves as a primary source of protective cover in early successional habitats, a tradeoff between foraging efficiency and the risk of predation may promote the local coexistence of species that differ in relative scratching ability and adaptations to evading predators.
Publication Date
March, 2000
Citation Information
David M. Whalen and Bryan Watts. "Interspecific Variation in Extraction of Buried Seeds within an Assemblage of Sparrows" Oikos Vol. 88 Iss. 3 (2000) p. 574 - 584
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