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Law and Economics in the Civil Law World: The Case of Brazilian Courts
Tulane Law Review (2015)
Conventional wisdom holds that economic analysis of law is either embryonic or nonexistent outside of the United States generally and in civil law jurisdictions in particular. Existing explanations for the assumed lack of interest in the application of economic reasoning to legal problems range from the different structure of legal education and academia outside of the United States to the peculiar characteristics of civilian legal systems. This paper challenges this view by documenting and explaining the growing use of economic reasoning by Brazilian courts. We argue that, given the ever-greater role of courts in the formulation of public policies, the application of legal principles and rules increasingly calls for a theory of human behavior (such as that provided by economics) to help foresee the likely aggregate consequences of different interpretations of the law. Consistent with the traditional role of civilian legal scholarship in providing guidance for the application of law by courts, the further development of law and economics in Brazil is therefore likely to be mostly driven by judicial demand.
  • Law and Economics,
  • Civil Law,
  • Brazil,
  • Judicial Empowerment
Publication Date
October, 2015
Citation Information
PARGENDLER, Mariana; SALAMA, Bruno Meyerhof. Law and Economics in the Civil Law World: The Case of Brazilian Courts. Tulane Law Review, v. 90, p. 439, 2015. Republicação na Suíça: Law and Economics in der Welt des Zivilrechts: Die Situation Brasilianischer Gerichte. In: Festschrift für Peter Nobel zum 70. Bern: Stämpfli Verlag, 2015. Republicação na Argentina: Derecho y Economía en el Mundo del Derecho Continental: el Papel de las Cortes Brasileñas. In: FISS, Owen et al. (org.). SELA: 20 Años Pensando en los Derechos y la Democracia. v. 1. Buenos Aires: Libraria, 2015.