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About E. Bruce Reynolds

A native of Missouri, I received my undergraduate and masters degrees from Central Missouri State University, and my Ph.D. from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Prior to entering the teaching profession I worked as a radio broadcaster and print journalist.
My academic specialty is East and Southeast Asia history with an emphasis on international relations in the Pacific region during the first half of the twentieth century. I have published two books and several articles on Thailand's role in World War II and now am studying U.S.-China relations by focusing on the biography of long-time U.S. State Department China hand, Willys R. Peck.


2018 - Present Emeritus Professor, San Jose State University Emeritus Faculty
1988 - 2018 Professor, Department of History, San Jose State University

Curriculum Vitae



2011 San Jose State University College of Social Sciences research grant
San Jose State University
2007 San Jose State University College of Social Sciences research grant
San Jose State University
2004 San Jose State University Lottery Fund travel grant
San Jose State University
2000 Gunjishi gakkai, travel grant
Military History Society
1999 San Jose State University College of Social Science research grant
San Jose State University
1995 San Jose State University Lottery Fund travel grant
San Jose State University
1995 Toyota Foundation travel grant
Toyota Foundation
1994 International Association of Historians of Asian travel grant
International Association of Historians of Asian
1994 San Jose State University College of Social Sciences research grant,
San Jose State University
1990 - 1991 San Jose State University History Department faculty development grant,
San Jose State University
1989 Northeast Asia Council of the Association for Asian Studies Japan travel grant
Northeast Asia Council of the Association for Asian Studies
1989 San Jose State University Foundation travel grant
San Jose State University
1988 University of Hawaii at Manoa dissertation grant
University of Hawaii at Manoa
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Professional Service and Affiliations

Member, American Historical Association (AHA)
Member, Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast (ASPAC)
Member, Association for Asian Studies (AAS)
Member, Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR)
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Honors and Awards

  • Austen Warbuton Award for Research, San Jose State University College of Social Sciences, 2006
  • Fulbright Graduate Research Fellowship (Thailand), 1987-88
  • Fulbright Graduate Research Fellowship (Japan), 1986-87
  • Crown Prince Akihito Scholarship, 1985-86
  • Phi Alpha Theta national prize in the annual student paper competition, 1986
  • Phi Alpha Theta regional conference, outstanding paper prize, Honolulu, 1985
  • East-West Center Scholarship, 1982-85
  • Central Missouri State University Hemphill Outstanding Graduate Student Award, 1977
  • Member of Phi Alpha Theta, Phi Kappa Phi and Alpha Epsilon Rho honoraries


1988 Ph.D., University of Hawaii, Manoa
1977 M.A., History, Central Missouri State University
1969 B.S., Speech, Central Missouri State University

Contact Information


Single Authored Book (2)

Co-Authored Book (2)

Edited Book (1)

Co-Edited Book (2)

Book Chapters (8)

Journal Articles (12)