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Critical Contextualization: Case Studies from Cambodia
Journal of Adventist Mission Studies
  • Bruce L. Bauer, Andrews University
Publication Date

"Those of us involved in world mission must be at the forefront to encourage local people to develop local expressions of their faith. When I hear people rejoice about the fact that regardless of where they travel in the world the Sabbath school and church service order of worship, the songs sung, and the way of doing church is the same, I do not rejoice, I groan. For that means that the foreign visitor is comfortable, but how about the local people? Are they comfortable with the often foreignness of Adventist worship? We can and must do better to allow local cultural expressions of biblical faith and practice."

Citation Information
Bruce L. Bauer. "Critical Contextualization: Case Studies from Cambodia" (2018) p. 11 - 17
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