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Review: Compassionate Care for the Living and the Dying
  • Browne C Lewis, Cleveland State University
Document Type
Publication Date
  • death,
  • living will,
  • end-of-life

This is a review of "The End of End-of Life Law" (92 N.C.L. Rev. 1693 (2014), by Lois L. Shepard. In light of medical advances and increasing health care costs, conversations about end-of-life care will continue to occur. A significant portion of the discussion will focus on ways to handle surrogate decision-making. The practical suggestions Professor Shepherd includes in her article could be a valuable part of that dialogue.

Citation Information
Browne C. Lewis, Compassionate Care for the Living and the Dying (Reviewing The End of End-of-Life Law, by Lois L. Shepherd, 92 North Carolina Law Review 1693 (2014)). Jotwell (December 9, 2014)