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Without a map: College access and the online practices of youth from low-income communities
Computers & Education (2016)
  • Michael Geoffrey Brown, University of Michigan
  • Donghee Y. Wohn, New Jersey Institute of Technology
  • Nicole Ellison, University of Michigan
In the United States, low and high-income young people currently have unequal access to information about higher education. Low-income prospective college students, for example, are less likely to have informational resources in their immediate families, requiring that they rely on information from other sources. We report on interview data collected in two high schools, one in a rural/suburban school district (N=43), the other in an urban district (N=25), which offer insight into how high school students from low-income communities use the Internet to learn about college. We observe that students are capable of accessing a great diversity of information about college online, but run into challenges when trying to interpret of that information. We introduce the term “knowledgeable translators” to capture the important role played by contacts with specialized knowledge about post-secondary institutions who help students evaluate and contextualize college information via online and offline channels.
  • computer mediated communication,
  • lifelong learning,
  • media in education,
  • secondary education
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
This is a manuscript of an article published as Brown, Michael Geoffrey, Donghee Y. Wohn, and Nicole Ellison. "Without a map: College access and the online practices of youth from low-income communities." Computers & Education 92 (2016): 104-116. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2015.10.001. Posted with permission.

Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd.
Citation Information
Michael Geoffrey Brown, Donghee Y. Wohn and Nicole Ellison. "Without a map: College access and the online practices of youth from low-income communities" Computers & Education Vol. 92-93 (2016) p. 104 - 116
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