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Smart Control of Automatic Voltage Regulators using K-means Clustering
2019 14th Annual Conference System of Systems Engineering (SoSE)
  • Brook Abegaz
  • J. Kueber
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
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Publisher Location
Anchorage, AK

The future cyber physical systems consist of voltage regulators distributed across wide geographical areas. In this paper, a smart control approach of voltage regulators is presented for cyber physical system applications. The approach is implemented using K-means clustering algorithms that use data from voltage and current sensors, compute the correlation of changes across the regulators and generate a proportional feedback. Advanced estimation methods are used in cases where the data from the sensors was not available. The results show that the approach could be used to improve the performance of networked, power dependent systems by 94.5% in terms of overshoot and 9.52% in terms of response time as compared to other methods of controlling voltage regulators.


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Citation Information
Brook Abegaz and J. Kueber. "Smart Control of Automatic Voltage Regulators using K-means Clustering" 2019 14th Annual Conference System of Systems Engineering (SoSE) (2019)
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