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Embodiment, Place, and Stance: A Collaborative Exploration of Graduate Research and Mentoring
International Studies in the Sociology of Education (2021)
  • Bronwyn T. Williams, University of Louisville
  • Aubrie Cox Warner
  • Edward A English
  • Jessica Newman
In this article, we reflect on and examine the experiences of three doctoral students, and their thesis advisor, in discussing how we adjusted our research methods and assumptions to the new conditions of life and society that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic. We discuss how our understandings of the embodied presence of the researcher, the location of research and writing, and the affordances of digital technologies are becoming more prominent and often rethought as issues of stance. We approach this discussion as co-explorers in charting new conceptions of and strategies toward research, as well as the relationships and mentoring practices between graduate students and their advisor.
  • Mentoring,
  • Graduate Student Research,
  • Stance,
  • Embodiment,
  • Place
Publication Date
Citation Information
Bronwyn T. Williams, Aubrie Cox Warner, Edward A English and Jessica Newman. "Embodiment, Place, and Stance: A Collaborative Exploration of Graduate Research and Mentoring" International Studies in the Sociology of Education Vol. 1 Iss. 1 (2021) p. 148 - 168
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