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Session B-5: Planning Your School's New Innovation/Makerspace
Professional Learning Day
  • Britta W McKenna, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Session Number
Grade Level
Grade Levels: MS/HS
Start Date
3-3-2017 10:45 AM
End Date
3-3-2017 11:45 AM

Are you thinking about or moving forward with plans for your school to host a makerspace, entrepreneurship or innovation area? Take a tour of IN2, IMSA's new 6,400 square food innovation center and makerspace and get tips from IMSA's Chief Innovation Officer, who spent three years studying best practice, designing the center, hiring the staff, furnishing and launching programs. The session includes a 30 minute tour and 30 minutes of sharing lessons learned and answering questions from participants.

Citation Information
Britta W McKenna. "Session B-5: Planning Your School's New Innovation/Makerspace" (2017)
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